We provide complete gardening services

Toll Free: 0800 514 514
Mon – Sat : 7:30 -17:00

Want to give your garden a new lease of life? We can help with that! At Garden Services Auckland we provide a comprehensive range of garden care and maintenance that will keep your property looking fresh.

We can clear weeds, mow lawns of any size with our ride on mowers. We can prune trees, shrubs and will even clear branches and tree stumps. We can even level out your land so that you have a blank canvas  to start creating the garden of your dreams.

Key Benefits of Service

There comes time when we leave a garbage for so long in a garden, they accumulate, they attract insects, they make unpleasant odors, and they somehow destroy the pleasant experience on site. Once you’ve find yourself there, do not hassle, just gives us a call at Garde Services Auckland and we will come to your rescue !

  • Cleaner environment
  • Removal of unnecessary matters
  • Avoiding unpleasant odors

Maintenance Tips

Install a trunk guard at the base of the tree to keep works its seds nutrient and water system from being cut. Trunk ours guards also …

Install a trunk guard at the base of the tree to keep works its seds nutrient and water system from being cut. Trunk ours guards also…

Install a trunk guard at the base of the tree to keep its nutrient andwater system from being cut. Trunk guards also protect trees from rodents and other small animals.

Customer Feedback

Planting & Removal Charges

Within a your budget you can freshen up your plant with a few key upgrades that will increase your home’s curb appeal. A new gravel driveway or concrete walkway can make your home look like new. Small budgets are good for breaking up a larger project into manageable chunks, so you might splurge for a nice walkway this year and deal with the driveway later.

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